Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


This is not about religion but this is about relathionship
ME and HIM
I've never even met with HIM.. but.. I felt HIM inside my heart..
he speaks, lives, and present in my heart ..

His real name :

but I loved to call HIM : my Healer, my Savior, "BAPA"..
until now our relationship is so beautiful and full of blessings ..
I love HIM ..

first post

heloo.. this is my first post..
kalo ditanya buat apa blog ini? saya juga kurang tau..
tapi kalo ditanya lagi ni blog bakal diisi ato ga?
the answer : I will
heii.. I am Elicia Dewianti : a girl who always listen the voice of her own heart
sebenernya, ni blog adalah sebuah suara hati..
I really want to share my relationship with HIM by my letters that will coming soon,,,
who's HIM?? you"ll see..